Here is a list of linux cli commands/tools that I have used. Purpose is for my own future reference and to track what I know. The list is non exhaustive and not sorted in any way. is a very nice website to learn about the commands, can bookmark
Shell tools man: get help for commands which: get first path of command where: get paths of command alias: set command shortcut whoami: get current user watch: runs command every n seconds watch -n5: runs command every 5 sec tee: split stdin to file and stdout xargs: reads stdin line by line and run command for every line xargs -I{} <command> "{}": set each line as {} and run command with the line as first arg set: sets shell options, usually used at the top of a bash script set -euo pipefail: bash strict mode set -euxo pipefail: bash strict mode, also prints each line test: check condition and set exit code 0 for true, 1 for false, usually used in if statements [: alias of test, for writing bash script like if [ condition ] [[: better version of [ Text operations echo: prints text cat: prints file content, also used for con"cat"enating files less: reads file in a scrollable interface (ncurses), use j and k to scroll per line or u and d to scroll per page, q to quit more: older version of less, cannot scroll up head: reads first n lines head -n5: reads first 5 lines tail: reads last n lines grep: find a word or with regex in files sed: search and replace tr: simpler alternative to sed cut: split string and select substring cut -d' ' -f1: split by space, select first word awk: text manipulation tool, includes its own scripting language (heard of it, never used it) sort: sort lines uniq: deduplicate adjacent lines, usually used after sort wc: word count wc -l: line count sort <file> | uniq | wc -l: count unique lines jq: reads json and prints selected key, includes its own scripting language File operations ls: prints directory listing ls -lah: prints in detail ls -lahtr: sorted by last modified (newest first) cd: change directory z: oh-my-zsh plugin to change to recent directory rm: remove file/directory rm -rf: removes recursively cp: copies file mv: moves file mkdir: creates directory pwd: prints working(current) directory, not to be confused with passwd tar: compress or extract tar files tar -xzvf: extracts .tar.gz files gzip: compress or extract gzip files gzip -d: extracts .gz file in the same dir, removing the .gz file gzip -dk: extracts .gz file, keeping the .gz file zless: less for .gz file without extracting it zcat: cat for .gz file without extracting it zgrep: grep for .gz file without extracting it zip: compress to .zip unzip: extracts .zip touch: creates file, sets last modified time chmod: change file permissions chmod +x: make file executable ln: creates symbolic link find: find a file by filename System tools uname: prints OS name uname -a: prints all OS info env: prints all env vars #!/usr/bin/env bash: runs bash specified in $PATH, usually used in first line of bash script export: sets user env var reboot: restarts machine chroot: treat directory as fake root dir, containers are built upon this (heard of it, never used it) lshw: lists all hardware info lscpu: prints cpu info df: show disk utilization Process tools ps: list running processes ps aux: list all ps ef: alternative to ps aux htop: like task manager in windows, view system resources top: older colourless version of htop dstat: prints system resource utilization every second kill: kills process by sending SIGTERM kill -9: kills using SIGKILL (cannot be caught by process) kill -s: kills using specified signal Network tools netstat: list open ports netstat nltp: list all TCP listening ports and its process, may need sudo ss: alternative to netstat ifconfig: like ipconfig in windows, shows local IP address ip: alternative to ifconfig ip a: show ip address ping: like ping in windows, sends ICMP packet to check if address is accessible and measure round trip time tracert: measure hop by hop round trip time dig: like nslookup in windows, runs dns lookup ssh: provides a shell to access remote machine scp: file transfer over ssh rsync: more optimized alternative to scp pssh: sends ssh commands in parallel to multiple machines i2cssh: only for iterm2, opens multiple iterm2 panels to ssh into multiple machines (feels very hackery lol) who: see who else is ssh-ing into the same machine curl: send http request, also includes various other protocols curl -fsSL: send request non verbose, follows http redirects curl -X POST -d 'param1=value1¶m2=value2': posts x-www-form-urlencoded curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"a":"b"}': posts json curl -F 'image=@file.jpg' -F 'param=value': posts multipart/form-data User permission sudo: runs as root sudo -s: change as root user, use my default shell, start in same directory passwd: change password Other tools bc: basic calculator date: prints current datetime Shells zsh: Z shell, popular cos of oh-my-zsh, default shell of MacOS, Arch bash: Bourne again shell, popular cos default shell of Ubuntu sh: symbolic link to default shell fish: fish shell chsh: change default shell Text editors vim: very customizeable, not too beginner friendly text editor vi: older alternative to vim nvim: neovim, newer alternative to vim nano: beginner friendly text editor Git git: version control system, best to alias all the commands using oh-my-zsh git plugin git status: show status git log: show commit history git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph: pretty log git add: stages file git commit: commits staged changes git commit -m: git commit --amend --no-edit: rewrite previous commit with staged changes git push: pushes commits git push -f: force overwrite remote commits git push --force-with-lease: force if no newer commits on remote git pull: pulls commits git reset: unstage changes git reset HEAD~: undo previous commit git reset --hard HEAD~: undo previous commit and undo changes in working directory git checkout: change branch git checkout -b: create new branch and change branch git merge: merge branches git remote: show remote name git remote -v: list remote repos git rebase: moves branch’s base commit up to latest by rewriting commits, good for keeping clean history, bad if you’re working in a team git rebase -i: interactive rebase git rebase --abort: cancel ongoing rebase git reflog: list history of commits accessed in local repo, useful if you lost reference due to rebase or if you mess up rebasing Docker docker: for docker containers docker pull: downloads image docker run: run container docker run -it <container> /bin/bash: enter the container (like ssh into container) docker images: list images docker ls: list containers docker login: saves credential to remote docker registry (for pulling/pushing images) Package managers apt: for ubuntu brew: for mac npm: for nodejs pip: for python python -m venv .venv: create virtual env . .venv/bin/activate: enter virtual env virtualenv -p <path to python2> .venv: create virtual env for python2 cargo: for rust go get: for golang gem: for ruby fpm: effing package management, creates various packages Version managers pyenv: for python rbenv: for ruby rvm: alternative to rbenv nvm: for nodejs Fancy tools ranger: file explorer in terminal ncmpcpp: mpd client for playing music in terminal